Since 1st April 2020, the KTMA Team has been vigorously testing out ways to make the impossible possible. We went through many trials and errors before finally deciding on the best option – personal 1-on-1 lessons! In order to effectively teach the core techniques of Taekwondo, we found that group classes did not work as well due to technical issues such as mirror images, video lag and connectivity. Whereas the moment we change the setting to 1-on-1, the problems are solved. Choose your favourite instructor, schedule your own timing, tailor your classes – anything and everything is possible!
Essentially, this means that compared to physical classes, we’re giving private lessons to EVERY student for the duration of the Circuit Breaker, simply because we are strong believers in adhering to a high standard to give you a similar learning experience as compared to regular classes.
Although the online lessons are not compulsory, we highly recommend you to join it as the online classes are equally beneficial to all our parents/students in helping you keep fit and active while staying at home!
See you all very soon!